Friday, January 27, 2012

Kentucky bridge destroyed by ship

We live about 1/2 mile from the Barkley Lake and the bridge that ties the Land Between The Lakes to the Cadiz side of Trigg County. After traveling over the Land Between The Lakes (LBL) you come to KenLake and the bridge over KenLake. This bridge ties LBL to points beyond (i.e. Aurora, Murray, etc). Last night a large ship ran into the bridge destroying a large section of the bridge.

Here is a news video from MSN reporting on the mishap ~

Ship carrying rocket parts, hits Kentucky bridge

To add a personal note to this story, Tim and I were in Murray last night.  As we were driving home we had noted how very dark the night was.  As we rounded the corner toward the KenLake bridge I noticed that I was unable to see the bridge and it was very difficult to see the lane I needed to be in.  As we started up the bridge we noticed that we were only able to see a short distance due to the extreme darkness.  We even joked about not knowing if the bridge was out until too late due to the darkness.  As we reached the top of the bridge, Tim noticed the huge ship headed toward the bridge.  Along with the darkness, it was raining making the road wet.  We did make it off the bridge and home safe and sound.   Just as we entered the house we heard the sirens heading for the bridge.  After hearing the news, we realized what had happened.  It took a short second to realize we had just missed being a part of this disaster.  The good Lord was watching over us as we were on that bridge!  And I believe that HE was watching over the other 4 cars that were caught on the bridge during the accident.  Thankfully no one was hurt. Sadly, it may take years to replace this bridge.

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