Monday, July 27, 2009

TN State Parks - Number 24 & 25

The Heyen's were back on the Harley again today. More TN State Parks
to visit! Today we headed west on I-40 out of Nashville. Weather looked
great, forcast of 85 degrees with sun and no rain clouds in sight.

Our first stop was the Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park. The rangers
at this State Park were very interesting and helpful. The museum was
located at the highest elevation in western TN. The view from the
deck was of the Tennessee River, otherwise known as the Kentucky Lake.
Although the story of Nathan Bedford was a large part of this museum,
the interesting story here was the harvesting of mussels from the TN
river. From the time of Indians dragging branches along the river for
mussels to the current harvesters diving for mussels, the pictures,
artifacts and movie were very insightful. Can you imagine diving in the
TN river, blindly feeling your way along the bottom of the river bed for
mussels? The museum ranger spoke of first hand knowledge of this
procedure and how she adamantly refused to ever repeat her experience.

Our second stop of the day was the Natchez Trace State Park. This
happens to be the largest 'State Park' in the state of Tennessee. It
has four lakes and great amenities, including swimming, horseback
riding, great cabins and a restaurant. This park is both north and south
of I-40 and this exit off the interstate was the entrance into the park.

Of course as the day progressed the temperature made it's way into
the 90's. We rode approximately 350 miles and were sun drenched and
exhausted as we rolled into our apartment complex. We took refuge in
the swimming pool to cool down.

Yes, another day on the Harley is always a great day for the Heyen's!

25) Natchez Trace State Park - 07/27/09

24) Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park - 7/27/09

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