Friday, August 14, 2009

TN State Parks - Number 30

South Cumberland State Park - #30 - August 14, 2009

Make it number 30 for the Heyen's! Today we headed SouthEast
of Nashville and put on about 230 miles. The South Cumberland
park is a tough one to find. I will admit (even if Tim will not), we
had to double back several times and actually stopped to ask for
directions twice! This park encompasses about 3 counties and
has several different entrances, all named something different.
We also traveled down an actual gravel road on this trip. (For
those of you not living in TN, most roads are paved.) The road
started and ended with cattle guards. The creek running beside
the road was dry, however, we had to drive through a huge water
hole mid-way through. Made for an interesting stretch of the road.
We ended our day stopping by for Bike Night at Rivergate HD and
then back home for a dip in the pool to cool off!!

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