Monday, September 28, 2009

Big Cypress Tree State Park

TN State Park #46 - Big Cypress Tree

Finally, the sun decided to return to Tennessee! We had to take in as much of this rarity as possible. We jumped on the Harley on a beautiful Sunday morning and headed for West Tennessee.
Before I begin this entry, I would like to remind you that while riding a Harley it is important to know that it is NOT about the destination rather the ride itself that entices a biker to take to the road. Not even the scenery can make or break the ride – for the opportunity to experience God’s creations first hand is truly a blessing and the ‘Call to the Open Road’.
Now on to our day . . .
West Tennessee is such a contrast to the rest of the state. It lacks the intense beauty of the hills and all their majesty. The communities seem to be smaller and more economically challenged. Many businesses are simply a ghost of their former selves leaving main street USA looking barren and forgotten.
We had been in this area before; however, we missed one State Park during that trip. When we left this morning we had high expectations for this park, due mainly to the name of the park, Big Cypress Tree State Park and partially due to the memory of the Reelfoot Lake State Park and the beautiful Cypress trees we had seen there. Were we in for a shocker . . .
Big Cypress Tree State Park is over 300 acres of land; yet, the only part of that territory you will be able to see is a small (maybe 1 acre) park like setting. I’m not even sure I can compare this ‘park’ to the small community park in Milford, NE. I suppose it fits all the necessary qualifications for a park, picnic tables, playground, and open field. That would have to be the extent of this public attraction. I believe I might have spotted one or two Cypress Trees although very young and not quite the “Big Cypress Tree” experience I had hoped to find.
All in all, this park was quite a disappointment. We traveled 385 miles to see a . . . birdhouse? Well, mark this off our ‘to do’ list. Next . . . back to the Smoky's!!

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