Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Colors in Technicolor

Simply put - I took these pictures with a $100 Kodak digital camera while
riding on the back of the Harley.

When you ride on the back, you don't see the scenery until you are a
part of the scenery. Which means I don't have a great deal of time
to decide what scene will make a great picture. I guess you could say
that I am 'shooting from the hip' when I take pictures.

My wonderful and very talented cousin, Hilary, is a professional
photographer and from the goodness of her heart, she took a few
of my pictures and enhanced them to make the colors 'pop'. The
result was unbelievable! (Thanks Hilary!)
Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I think they look STUNNING! Buy maybe I'm biased :)

I just really want to see these places for myself, they're breathtaking. Nice job Madge!