Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finding Beauty in the Winter 'Blahs'

More adventures for the Heyen's . . .

The temps were in the 50's today with a partly cloudy sky. The best
way to waste away the day, we figured, was to get on the bike and RIDE!
After a couple of times around the parking lot to make sure the weird
noise we heard was not a future mechanical problem - we were off.
I've wanted to go back to some of our Fall Rides and take pictures now -
while all of the leaves are gone and the colors have faded.
Tim is great at finding a new route to an old destination - so, we were
weaving around some very back TN roads. Actually, we found ourselves
running off of the hard surface roads onto rock and mud roads - not a
biker's idea of a good time. Which meant we did quite a few U-Turns
today - but, according to Tim, how else are you suppose to learn unless you try?
Along the way I found a few more TN Barns to add to my list - - -

While driving down the back roads - we found ourselves in a more
dense forest type landscape. I found so much to photograph,
here are a few of the hillsides, streams and trees . . .

Pretty interesting landscape, huh?
We never did make it back to any of the original sites - guess that
will have to be a quest for another day.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

that moss is actually quite beautiful!