Friday, August 26, 2011

Computer's Vacation continues

I'm afraid my computer may have taken more than just a vacation!  Which means I have a huge decision to make - buy a new computer or pay too much money to fix my old one.  I guess I am leaning towards the new computer, but wait!  What are all these new buzz words they are throwing around?  I feel as though I have been living in a cave in the Appalachian mountains.  If I remember correctly, there was a time that I actually made a very good living working as a computer analyst.  So, I am not new to the show, by any means.  Good grief!  So far, I am sure of only one thing - I want a laptop.  I don't have a lot of needs, I am online a lot, play simple games online, use spreadsheets and word documents.  And most importantly, I work on and store a great number of pictures.  Now, I ask you, how difficult should that be to find the right machine for my needs? 

So, I beseech you, I need some ideas for a reliable machine that is reasonably priced and can handle pictures.  Let me know if you have a favorite brand!

Hope to be back soon . . .

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