Monday, October 3, 2011

A Few More Views of the New Digs

If you can excuse the messes and the boxes and all the stuff piled up - I have a few pictures of our new home.  It's been two weeks and I feel like I have not accomplished a darn thing!  You know the feeling . . . two steps forward - one step back . . . however, in my case it's more like one step forward - two steps back!  The boxes just never end.  Regardless of the mess, we are loving our new home!  Lola is so happy with her new home and new yard also.  So, without further ado - here are some pictures of the outside and surrounding area.
First up - scenes of the backyard from our deck.


This is the road in front of the house.  (Notice our fish mailbox?)  This road dead ends into Lake Barkley (aka The Cumberland River).  Typically, the traffic is not bad with the exception of just before dawn when the fishing boats fly by trying to get the best fishing spots.  We hear this is one of the best fishing spots on the lake and that it is not uncommon to pull out a 50lb Catfish.  Yeah, my Walmart fishing pole should be able to handle that!!!

  This is our front yard - Lola's favorite part of the new digs.

I am trying to make the entryway a flowering experience.  There is a water fountain and different pots of roses, daisies and inpatient's.  More to come this spring.  The porch seems just perfect for a couple of rocking chairs and a few ferns.

Lola absolutely loves the yard!

 This is the back of the house.

Ok, more pictures to come in my next blog.  We will move into the interior of the house - yes, the place that has replaced the storage shed.  The boxes are not disappearing as fast as I would like them to - but, I continue to work on it!

Since this blog is showing the neighborhood, I have to talk about my new neighbors.  We have six homes in our little division.  One of which is an abandoned mansion.  The other five homes are occupied mostly with retired folks who enjoy the river life.  Last weekend, after being overwhelmed with the 26 ft moving truck full of boxes was unloaded, our new neighbor, Toni, stopped by and declared that we were going to go out to eat with them.  Although Tim and I were totally exhausted we accepted the invitation.  Toni said to be at her house in an hour.  We arrived at their beautiful lakeside home to find two other neighbors there and dinner waiting for us.  What a lovely way to end a very long day.  All of the couples are full of energy and laughter and we had a great time.  We have also met one other gentleman, who stopped by on Saturday to introduce himself.  They have made us feel very welcomed and I am excited to get to know them all better.

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