Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just a couple more Harleys in the Driveway

Before I continue with a tour of our new home, I wanted to mention our little luncheon this past Saturday.  Our HOG chapter had a Progressive Ride beginning around 9:00am on Saturday.  The purpose of this ride was to ride and eat!  First stop of this three course day was for breakfast, the second stop was lunch and the final destination would be dessert.  Tim and I volunteered to put on the lunch.

For those of you that have not been to my house for a meal, let me enlighten you on my version of hospitality.  I believe NO one should ever leave my house hungry.  I really enjoy cooking and baking and I firmly believe that it is better to have too much food prepared rather than too little.  With that said, here is the menu I had planned for this lunch of unknown number of bikers.
     Hamburgers - grilled
     Potato Salad
     Macaroni Salad
     Baked Beans

Tim called me from the breakfast portion of the ride with a head count of 29 bikers.  Yes, you read that right - I did not know how many were coming for lunch until 9:30am the morning of the lunch. 

I spent most of the day on Friday preparing my salads.  I used a few more than a 10# bag of potatoes and boiled about 2 1/2 dozen eggs for my potato salad.  It took nearly an entire large jar of mayo!  I used my tried and true recipe that has been in the family forever. 

I then decided to add a Macaroni Salad to ensure I had enough food.  I had checked online for a great macaroni salad and was unable to find anything, so I came up with a concoction I call the BMT Salad  (Bacon, Macaroni, Tomato) and it turned out yummy!  I just threw some on-hand ingredients together and I had a great new salad.  Ingredients included  Cooked Macaroni, cooked Bacon, Fresh Tomatoes.  I tossed those three things together and then added Western Dressing, Mayo, Mustard, Sugar, Vinegar, Salt & Pepper until it all tasted like something I would serve to my family and friends.

I also made Baked Beans from scratch which I always love.  We served the food buffet style on the front porch and set up tables in the yard for everyone to enjoy the meal.  Tim and I really enjoyed having this event and may even volunteer again.  I have added a few pictures of all the bikes sitting in our driveway.

It was a bit chilly to begin the day, but the sun was shinning and we hope that everyone had a great time and that they enjoyed the lunch!

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